Comic-BEE Awarded Best Student Learning Aid
  • Best Student Learning Aid

    2018 Innovations in Cyber Security Education

We are pleased to announce that Comic-BEE was selected as the Best Student Learning Aid in the 2nd Annual Innovations in Cybersecurity Education Awards from the National CyberWatch Center. The awards were announced on August 2, 2018 at the 2018 Community College Cyber Summit (3CS) at Mt. Hood Community College, in Gresham, Oregon.

Built on research with educators and developed by Secure Decisions, Comic-BEE is a web application that lets educators and students design, script, storyboard, and publish branching interactive web comics that engage, instruct, and evaluate over a wide range of cybersecurity concepts. Comic-BEE simplifies and accelerates the creation and delivery of these interactive, educational materials through a unique system that enables authors to easily develop branching storylines using advanced automation technologies and pre-rendered art assets. Students can achieve a deeper understanding of cyber concepts by creating their own comics that show how situations unfold with different positive and negative outcomes.

The National CyberWatch Center (NCC) is a collaboration between higher education institutions, businesses, and government agencies working together to enhance the current state of cybersecurity education. NCC seeks to strengthen cybersecurity curricula, unify education and certification standards, and improve the general workforce’s understanding of cybersecurity. NCC’s Innovations in Cybersecurity Education program provides a platform for recognizing innovative ways that cybersecurity education is taught, reinforces support for creative solutions to educational challenges, and helps foster a climate for positive change in methods and techniques for teaching cybersecurity.

We are honored that the National CyberWatch Center has recognized Comic-BEE as a cybersecurity education innovator. You can read more about the awards and discover other category winners and submissions here.

Secure Decisions was created as a division of Applied Visions, Inc. to conduct R&D and develop innovative technologies in cyber security, including network defense, infrastructure protection, application security, intelligence analysis, and data visualization. Secure Decisions develops tools for decision-makers to analyze large amounts of complex data, and to provide cutting-edge security measures to protect their proprietary information.